UC Davis is facing significant budget challenges due to a proposed $37 million state funding reduction, prompting leadership to explore difficult options that may affect both services and staffing.
After nearly a decade with UC Davis, Blair Stephenson has announced his retirement this summer. As part of this transition, we are making a few organizational adjustments to ensure continued success while also navigating our budget constraints.
As the fires in Los Angeles County continue to impact lives, businesses, and landscapes, our heartfelt thoughts are with everyone affected. Currently, we have six members from the UC Davis Fire Department who are engaged in the firefighting efforts.
It seems like every week UC Davis is topping charts and making headlines for all the right reasons. We’re now preparing for another significant milestone ...
After years of connecting virtually, gathering in person for our next FOA All-Staff Meeting is a special chance to enhance connections and build a collaborative and thriving workplace. I’m looking forward to hearing Chancellor May speak, and pleased to welcome back Paula Mulford by popular demand ...
This summer while many of our students enjoy time away from campus, FOA teams are focused not just on sprucing up physical spaces, but also on strengthening and optimizing our new financial system, Aggie Enterprise.
As the holiday season unfolds, I'm reminded of cherished memories and the importance of time away from work. Growing up in Germany, my holidays were always a mix of laughter and learning, thanks to my educator parents. One of my fondest memories is of my father, dressed as the German "Nicolaus," visiting my mother's classes ...
Early on, I had a boss who knew how to spark a fire in me. It might sound surprising, but his way of recognizing my efforts was by entrusting me with more responsibility. When recognition hits the mark, employees are more likely to feel connected and be engaged.
Update about transitioning Campus Planning and Environmental Stewardship units to existing FOA departments, connecting operational units and aligning planning and design function.
As we draw close to our go-live date of Jan. 1, 2024, I want to emphasize the critical importance of training and hands-on experience with Aggie Enterprise.
As I mark my first year with UC Davis, I’m grateful for the dedication, resilience and passion each of you bring every day. It has been a year of tremendous challenges and remarkable achievements, and I’m incredibly proud of how we've come together as an organization.