FOA Changes That Will Strengthen Our Work

Dear Colleagues,

As you know, Bob Segar retired in July after almost 35 years at UC Davis.  Following Bob’s retirement, we conducted a thorough review of the Campus Planning and Environmental Stewardship (CPES) organization.

I write to update you on my decision to embrace a recommendation to transition CPES units to existing Finance, Operations and Administration (FOA) departments, connecting operational units and aligning planning and design functions.

Please know that CPES has been a high-performing department with exceptional staff, and the forthcoming changes are designed to further support their great work.   

In summary, the CPES units will be transitioned as follows:

  • Campus Planning (e.g., campus planning, environmental planning, landscape planning, transportation planning, etc.) and UC Davis Sustainability will join Design and Construction Management. Assuming a senior leadership position, Lucas Griffith becomes executive director and reports to AVC Jim Carroll. 
  • The Arboretum and Public Garden (APG) will join Facilities Management. Kathleen Socolofsky continues as assistant vice chancellor over APG and reports to AVC Allen Tollefson (and a dotted line continues to the provost in Kathleen’s academic role). 
  • Transportation Services will join Safety Services. Perry Eggleston continues as executive director of Transportation Services and reports to AVC Eric Kvigne.

During the review period, it was also determined that benefits would be realized if Fleet Services and Transportation Services were organizationally closer. Given these advantages, I am pleased to announce that:

  • Fleet Services will join Safety Services. Michelle Simmer continues as director of Fleet Services and reports to AVC Eric Kvigne.

 There are many benefits to the distributed model, including:

  • Enable talented teams to “cross-pollinate” new ideas and approaches.
  • Continue to enhance collaboration, coordination and communication.
  • Deliver required core budget savings, without compromising our mission, given that the distributed model does not require a new AVC.

I’m extremely thankful for Lucas Griffith’s dedication, flexibility and professionalism during his interim role. Lucas will step into a senior leadership position (Executive Director) overseeing all campus planning and sustainability. In his interim role, Lucas has contributed an immense amount of energy and talent, and we all look forward to working closely with him in his Executive Director role where he will continue to have widespread and strategic impact on UC Davis.

I’m also grateful for AVCs Jim Carroll, Allen Tollefson, and Eric Kvigne for their leadership during these times of change.

Please share this message with those in your department who should be aware of these changes. 

Warm regards,


Clare Shinnerl, Ed.D
Vice Chancellor
Finance, Operations & Administration

Primary Category
