Our Strategic Goals for the Fiscal Year

Dear Team,

Vice Chancellor Clare Shinnerl
Vice Chancellor Clare Shinnerl

I’m excited to share that we just published strategic goals for FOA, focused on projects with measurable results for the current fiscal year.

Research underscores the power of goal setting. As highlighted by Inc. Magazine, we are "42% more likely to achieve our goals when we write them down." By documenting our aspirations, we’re taking an important step toward turning them into reality.

I urge you not only to familiarize yourself with these objectives, but to ask, "How can I contribute to FOA’s shared goals?" Consider talking with your manager about ideas you have to better align your work toward achieving these goals.

Working together, we can make the university better every day.

I’ve been so impressed by FOA’s culture of service and continuous improvement. And I look forward to partnering on these important initiatives together.

With gratitude,


Clare Shinnerl, Ed.D.
Vice Chancellor
Finance, Operations and Administration

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