Digest: Leading the way to a healthier campus

Vaccine clinic open to employees 65 and older
Earlier this week, UC Davis opened its first vaccine clinic on campus for appointments to employees and students 65 years old or older (even those working and studying remotely). To see a breakdown of tiers and find out when and how to register, visit the Campus Ready vaccine page.
Updates to COVID-19 reporting, Symptom Survey
COVID-19 reporting has moved into the Health-e-Messaging portal and on Feb. 5, the Daily Symptom Survey for students/employees will too. The Health-e-Messaging portal is the same system where you make an appointment for asymptomatic testing and where you will make an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine.
NY Times features UC Davis COVID-19 efforts
A recent New York Times article highlighted UC Davis efforts to combat the coronavirus not just at the university, but the entire city through Healthy Davis Together. The article included information from our own Vice Chancellor Kelly Ratliff, explaining the financial investment the university has made in COVID-19 testing for the entire Davis community. Read the full article here.
How campus construction changed during COVID-19
While campus has been largely empty for the last 10 months, Design and Construction Management remains hard at work with construction and planning future projects. But how the work gets done while keeping our community and contractors safe has changed. Read more about construction during COVID-19.
Find out what DCM has been hard at work doing

Find out what recent, ongoing and upcoming projects are keeping DCM busy. Download the Winter 2021 Capital Project Report or browse the projects online.
Satisfaction Survey kicks off Feb. 17

A big part of the success of the Academic and Staff Satisfaction Survey relies upon FOA Staff members reaching out to their customers, their partners and their team – and getting them to take the survey. Remind your customers exactly who you are and all the great things you've done for them lately.
To help you spread the word FOA Communications designed email signature and newsletter blocks, Zoom Backgrounds, and PowerPoint slides. See Marketing Toolkit.
Nominate a Customer Service Champion

Have you received excellent service from an FOA employee lately? We want to know so we can recognize them for helping making the university better. Nominate an employee using the FOA Customer Service Champion Form.
Fund your project to build a healthier UC Davis

Healthy UC Davis is looking to fund projects that will help cultivate the health and well-being of the UC Davis community. Healthy UC Davis has opened applications for grants to be allocated to projects that promote health and well-being, especially in regards to diversity, equity and inclusion. See guidelines, funding considerations and apply by Feb. 26.
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