Profile photo of Elken

Profile: Roxanna Elken

When did you join the university?

What's your day-to-day role in stewarding university resources?
I answer all equipment related questions and problems, ensure that UCOP and UCD policies are followed with regard to equipment and help departments with equipment related purchases.

What's an example of how you delight customers?
I will occasionally get requests for historical or campus-wide information that can only be gathered via a database query. The people I have helped with this are thrilled when I give it to them. It’s like I’ve done a magic trick. My approach is, when looking for data, I never take ‘no’ as an answer. Not from KFS, not from DaFIS. They must give up their secrets!

What do you like best about working at UC Davis?
I really love the investigative nature of my job. I also like my location and especially, my colleagues and ‘customers.’ They are really great to work with!

“When looking for data, I never take ‘no’ as an answer.”

What's the most challenging part of your job?
The most challenging part is informing someone that what they want to do – or in some cases, have already done (!) – is against policy. This can sometimes have a negative financial impact on a department, so I try to ensure that this is done with sensitivity.  

Tell us one thing about yourself that most people wouldn't know.
I collect Breyer horses and currently have about 300 (down from about 700; over the years, I have literally thinned out the herd).

What's something you like to do when you aren't at work?
Read non-fiction history and make sure my feline overlords are happy ;-). I also like to hike and go horseback riding, but I don't get a chance to do that as often as I'd like.

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