See what changes are coming to La Rue Road in this interactive map. Use the icon on the top left to open the map legend to get an overview or click on each icon to learn about the additions, including new stop signs on La Rue Road at the intersections of Garrod Drive and Bioletti Way, rumble strips and more.

New Stop Signs Being Added to La Rue Road

Starting on Jan. 20, new stop signs and supporting infrastructure will be installed at the intersections of La Rue Road with Garrod Drive and Bioletti Way, converting them into all-way stops. These changes will discourage high speeds to improve safety for people traveling this road, whatever their mode of transportation.

What to Expect

  • Traffic cones will block parts of the street and sidewalk to accommodate the work and flaggers will be present to direct traffic. No detours will be required. 
  • Two weeks before construction, electronic signs will be placed along La Rue Road to inform people of the upcoming change. These signs will remain in place for three weeks after the installation of the stop signs.
  • Additional infrastructure will also be added to support the new signs and the goal of slowing traffic and alerting drivers about the approaching stops including “Stop Ahead” signs and rumble strips on the southbound lane of La Rue Road ahead of the Garrod Drive intersection. 
  • The south curb of La Rue Road near the Bioletti Way intersection will be converted into a no parking zone, eliminating seven parking spaces. Crosswalks and bike lanes near the intersections will also be re-striped.


This stretch of La Rue Road was highlighted as an area of potential improvement by two recent micromobility task forces — formed to address areas on campus where the mix of transportation modes creates safety concerns. La Rue Road runs alongside residence halls and serves as a connection point to the School of Veterinary Medicine. As such, it is frequented by drivers, bikers and pedestrians alike. The task forces identified a pattern of vehicles driving too quickly in this area, particularly on the curve heading south on La Rue Road, approaching Garrod Drive. The recommendations made by the task force, which are now being implemented, were designed specifically to slow down vehicle traffic and make the road safer for all travelers. 

The same feedback about these sections on La Rue Road was also raised by our community during the campus’s ongoing sustainable transportation planning effort – Moving Forward Together

“Community involvement in our planning efforts is critical,” said Lucas Griffith, executive director of Campus Planning and Sustainability. “Participation from our community helps us prioritize safety improvements like these." 

Icons on a satellite map of La Rue Road, each representing a comment from the Moving Forward Together campaign
Interactive map from the Moving Forward Together campaign shows many icons along La Rue Road, each of which represents feedback from a campus community member. Several comments mention high speeds along this portion of La Rue Road, which the new stop signs and rumble strips directly address. See all the comments.


This article was originally published on the Design and Construction Management website. 

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