Photo of Mancebo

Profile: Leslie Mancebo

Leslie Mancebo

Leslie is the Transportation Demand and Marketing Coordinator for Transportation Services (TAPS) and works to educate UC Davis students, staff and faculty about the importance of bicycle and transportation safety.

When did you join the university?
I started at UC Davis Transportation Services in March 2011. I previously worked in a similar role at UC Santa Barbara, starting in January 2007.

What's your day-to-day role in maintaining university safety?
I spend a lot of time working with the campus community to promote bicycle safety. I have developed materials for distribution at Orientation, Fall Welcome, New Employee Welcome and other events. I also work closely with the UC Davis Police Department, Student Housing the Health Education Program and other campus departments to create programs and classes to engage the campus community around safe cycling practices.

How can employees maintain a safer work environment?
I would encourage everyone on campus, whether they ride a bicycle or not, to take the free, online bicycle safety class at The course was developed by campus bicycling experts and filmed here on campus so it shows cycling conditions that are unique to the UC Davis campus, like how to navigate a roundabout. Also, this class is great for pedestrians and motorists to better understand what behavior to expect from bicyclists, making roads and paths safer for everyone!

“I love to get out there and provide one-on-one support for safe cycling throughout the community.”

What's an example of how you delight customers?
In a recent collaboration with the Health Education Program, I have had the opportunity to help organize pop-up bike safety zones on campus where, along with enthusiastic volunteers, we distribute $5 CoHo gift cards to bicyclists who demonstrate safe cycling behavior. I love seeing how excited some cyclists get when they are unexpectedly rewarded for doing the right thing!

What do you like best about working at UC Davis?
I love the ever-changing environment on campus –there are always new people coming and going, new buildings being built, and new opportunities to connect with the community. New students arrive each year, many having not ridden a bicycle since childhood and we can see them progress into savvy bicycle commuters over the years.

What's the most challenging part of your job?
In promoting bicycle safety, and active transportation in general, I find that dispelling inaccurate information is a constant challenge. Often times,students are given bicycling advice from their peers; over the years I have worked with Student Housing and other campus organizations to empower student leaders and staff who frequently work with students with accurate bicycle safety information to share. I have found that peer-to-peer information sharing organically happens at a more rapid rate than any formal marketing campaign that I could develop, so I love to get out there and provide one-on-one support to create ambassadors of safe cycling throughout the community.

What's something you like to do when you aren't at work?
One of the many things that I enjoy doing outside of work is seeing live music –and I have a very broad taste. Last summer I saw both Dolly Parton and Slayer perform live, albeit not at the same concert -that would have been something to see!

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