Brenda Dawson

Profile photo of Brenda Dawson, UC Davis

Position Title
Marketing Writer

  • Communications

Brenda Dawson is a marketing writer for the FOA Communications team. She works across all of the Finance, Operations and Administration units to share campus information in clear, compelling and delightful ways.

She provides writing, editing and strategic communications support for a wide variety of FOA Communications projects. Recently she helped with messaging for the award-winning IDEA$ at Work campaign and the Davis Day of Reflection event, in addition to articles about climate-ready campus trees. She also led the redesigned Digest newsletter, with special editions delivered to all Davis employees (and regular editions sent to FOA employees and subscribers). She previously worked on pandemic-related communications for Campus Ready, with a particular focus on innovative saliva testing and the UC Davis COVID-19 Dashboard. Dawson was also part of the team that redesigned the UC Davis Police Department website and helped create its Transparency Dashboard focused on campus safety topics.

Dawson joined UC Davis as a staff member in 2007, inspired by a desire to shine a light on useful knowledge for the public (ahem, "Fiat Lux"). Her experience as a campus communicator has included communications strategies for social media, science writing, agricultural news, website management and brand management. On campus, she worked previously as a communicator with the Horticulture Innovation Lab, the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the Small Farm Program, Strategic Communications and the Office of Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability.

Originally from rural Northern California, Dawson holds a bachelor’s degree in English literature from Arizona State University. She has a background in community journalism and always has “just one more question.”


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