A Few Of Our Favorite Aggie Things

Happy Holidays 2021

We asked some of our FOA colleagues to tell us their favorite things about working for UC Davis — and to our surprise, some of them burst into song!

Yes, that is exactly how it happened.

Thank you for all of your hard work this year, striving as always to make our university a better place — even in the face of continuing pandemic challenges.

We hope this holiday jingle puts some spring in your step and warms your Aggie heart 💙💛  on your way out the door to a wonderful winter break!

We’ll see you next year! Go Ags!


  • Here are the lyrics, so you can sing along
  • Raindrops on bike paths and doxies in derbies
    Aggies who ride bikes and post their cow selfies
    Lunch at the CoHo and turkey watching
    These are a few of my favorite things

    Cream-colored Eggheads and A-frames on the Quad
    Gunrock! and squirrels and cool, morning fog
    Walks in the Oak Grove with scrub jays who sing
    These are a few of my favorite things

    Student Farm flowers, beloved cat Cheeto
    Star Trek and Gary! and Pa-ja-ma-rino
    Spitting in test tubes and making things "green"
    These are a few of my favorite things

    When the line’s long,
    When my Zoom died,
    When my bike zig zags— I simply remember my ol’ Aggie Pride And then I feel like…

    Go Ags!

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