How to manage, update and create webpages
SiteFarm is the preferred web host by UC Davis. This service offers a robust and intuitive website-building package to build beautiful, content-rich websites in very little time. If your department or unit uses SiteFarm, please refer to the resources below to help you manage your site:
- Add content to a site
- Edit existing content
- Use the WYSIWYG
- Insert links
- Upload files into your text
Web Text Guidelines
When working on a webpage in SiteFarm, it's important to follow good formatting standards so that your readers can quickly find information. SiteFarm offers many styling options, so consistent formatting helps to reduce clutter and assists in brand recognition.
Use 'Title Intro' in bold for header text
Use "Normal" for body paragraphs. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus id urna sed orci pretium semper sit amet eu orci. Sed non sem eu ante laoreet sodales sed id velit. Proin sollicitudin tristique diam sed laoreet. Duis non metus ut libero porttitor mollis eget at lorem.
Use 'SubTitle' for subsequent headers
- Use "Arrow List" for styling bulleted lists.
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Website style guides
For major new websites, the FOA Communications team has sometimes created website style guides to help teams take the reins of their new website and make updates as needed. Here are two FOA website style guides as examples of standards that are used on many FOA websites.
Finance and Business: In January 2019, UC Davis launched a new Finance and Business website that combined information from the departments of Finance, Budget and Institutional Analysis (BIA), Real Estate Services, Supply Chain Management and Preferred Partnership Program (UP3). Employees who manage the website have been trained with the
- Finance and Business Website Style Guide
Colors, formatting, imagery and layouts for the Finance and Business website.
Human Resources: In early 2018, UC Davis unveiled its new HR site that serves departments in both Davis and Sacramento. If your team needs additional support managing pages on the new HR site, please refer to the resources below:
- How to Update Forms on the HR Website
Website forms are managed via a shared UC Davis Box.com account for version control and link consistency. - HR Website Visual Style Guide and Editorial Style Guide
HR website colors, type, logos, imagery, patterns, and more. Also grammar, terminology and voice used on the HR website.