IDEA$ at Work

Quick Summary

  • The Revenue Generation and Institutional Savings Task Force sought to solicit ideas from employees to help meet the goal of identifying $50 million in ongoing net revenue and/or savings that can be applied to the campus core mission within 3-7 years.
  • FOA Communications developed a campaign called “IDEA$ at Work” to help raise awareness among UC Davis and UC Davis Health employees and invite them to submit ideas for new ways to generate revenue or identify cost savings.


The Revenue Generation and Institutional Savings Task Force, appointed by Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Mary Croughan, sought help with engaging UC Davis and UC Davis Health employees in an effort to collect ideas for net revenue and savings, in support of a $50 million goal for ongoing net revenue.


FOA Communications raised awareness about the opportunity for employees to contribute their ideas and insights through a creative campaign called “IDEA$ at Work,” where employees were encouraged to “Help turn hassles into opportunities.”

Our Approach

FOA Communications developed a creative campaign along with a communications toolkit to support outreach efforts by members of the task force. Communications deliverables included:

  • Strategic communications plan
  • Brand identity
  • Graphics
  • News stories
  • Website with webform
  • Newsletter content
  • Messaging
  • Email templates
  • Email signatures
  • Zoom backgrounds

What’s Next for IDEA$ at Work

While the eligibility for prize drawings ended Jan. 31, 2023, the webform remains open as a channel for submitting new ideas for consideration.

Special Thanks to Our Partners

Special thanks to members of the Revenue Generation and Institutional Savings Task Force, chaired by Associate Vice Chancellor Sarah Mangum, for their input and outreach efforts.

Teamwork makes the dream work! While numerous members of the FOA Communications team have contributed to the project, the core project team includes:
