The goal of our identity system is to visually unify all FOA units. We do this through the use of campus illustrations in combination with the university's primary colors and select secondary colors. Do you need a template for something other than letterhead and PowerPoint? If so, please contact us for further assistance.
PowerPoint Templates

Download your department PowerPoint template
When in doubt, use blue and gold!
As a general rule, blue and gold should be the dominant color palette for all external communications. Your letterhead and slide deck templates use FOA accent colors and have been designed with internal communications in mind.
If you'd like blue and gold templates, send us a message!
Each FOA operating unit should have a PowerPoint template available for download. A few features of the PowerPoint templates:
- Light and dark backgrounds - Included in each template are slide options using both white and dark backgrounds. You can mix and match as needed or you can stick to one option throughout the presentation.
- Fonts - We've provided each department a template that uses the Proxima Nova typeface. For those units that have chosen not to purchase Proxima Nova, we have also provided a template that uses the Arial typeface. For best results, please use the correct template based on your font collection.
- Photos - Included in each template are a few photos. These photos should be looked at as placeholders, we expect units will insert their own photos as needed.
- Illustrations - Included in each template are slide options that use the campus illustrations. The campus illustrations are not required so there is also a slide option that does not use any illustrations.
Department Letterhead

Download your department letterhead
Use of the university seal is restricted

Use of the university seal (example above) is reserved solely for communications from the Office of the Chancellor.
Please discontinue the use of any documents that feature the seal and transition over to FOA document templates.
Letterhead has been created for all FOA units and should be used in all official communications. Features of the new letterhead include:
- A one-line horizontal wordmark at the bottom
- The organizational unit's secondary accent color
- Two versions are available - one with the water tower illustration and one without
To use the new letterhead:
- Download your letterhead template from the shared assets Box folder
- Open Microsoft Word, edit the footer and insert your unit/department's information.
- For instructions on modifying the footer (for a multi-page document), visit the Microsoft support page.