Illustration of the UC Davis campus

Digest: ✅ Vaccine updates 📸 FOA meeting pics

/to-do list

  • Provide feedback on FOA’s meeting

  • If you attended the FOA All-Staff meeting this week, share your thoughts on what went well and improvements for future meetings. Take the short survey.
  • Be aware of transportation impacts

  • With Moove-In and student orientations happening Sept. 17-22, anticipate traffic and parking congestion around residence halls and in other part of campus. See the impacts.
  • Complete new mandatory training

  • All Davis campus empoyees (excluding Health and police officers) have been assigned a workplace violence prevention course through the UC Learning Center to be completed by Oct. 5. Set 20 minutes aside to take the training.
  • Report vaccinations in new system

  • By Nov. 1, employees are required to report COVID-19 and flu vaccinations or opt out through a new employee health portal. Learn more about the Enterprise Health system.


img "FOA employees seated in rows in California Hall chat with each other

Explore FOA’s All-Staff meeting gallery

It wasn’t all ice cream, prizes, chancellor selfies and Gunrock surprises – as about 800 FOA staff members gathered in California Hall and on Zoom for networking and professional development earlier this week. Browse photos of colleagues in action from Monday’s meeting.

Aluminum water bottles stocked among other beverages

Same drinks, less waste

Starting this month, most beverages sold on campus will be in aluminum, glass or other non-plastic packaging as part of a new contract that aligns with university goals to reduce single-use plastics. Read more about the new drink packaging and why it matters.

YouTube play button over an image of dozens of bikes lined up

What happens to an abandoned bike on campus?

See how Transportation Services handles abandoned bikes on campus, from providing notice of removal, to contacting owners of registered bikes and storing unclaimed bikes. Watch the 3-minute video.


  • 🧘  Practice mindfulness

  • Add weekly guided mindfulness meditation sessions to your schedule, offered Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays through November. See upcoming events and register.
  • 🍃  Join Tai Chi sessions

  • Follow along with gentle, meditative guided exercise at Tai Chi sessions held in-person and virtually on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Learn more and attend.
  • 🩹  Attend mental health stewardship training

  • Employees who work with students are invited to take a two-part Mental Health Gatekeeper Training to learn how to connect students with resources and to speak confidently with them about mental health concerns. Learn more about trainings on Sept. 18, 19 or 24.
  • 📆  Browse Career Development Week agenda

  • The full itinerary is available now for this year’s Career Development Week scheduled for Nov. 18-22, including workshops, resource fairs and 1-on-1 coaching. See the full schedule of virtual and in-person events.
  • 🧸  Learn about UC adoption assistance

  • UC offers employees who are growing their families through adoption up to $5,000 in reimbursement once an adoption is finalized. Read more and find out how to submit a claim.


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